Loralee Wood

How You and Your Spouse Can Agree on a House to Buy

Couple smiling for getting their first home

The process of buying a house as a couple can be daunting when you have two opposing opinions. It is difficult to reconcile the difference between wanting to live in a modern apartment by the Las Vegas Strip or preferring a sprawling estate in Enterprise, NV.

When it comes to buying a home, it is important to be decisive and to act quickly. After all, homes for sale in Las Vegas are in high demand. A stalemate can cause you to lose what should have been the house of your dreams.

Thankfully, I believe there are ways you as a couple can reconcile your property preferences. Below are a few tips to ensure that the home buying process doesn’t strain your relationship.

Create a separate list of your non-negotiables

When looking for homes to purchase, couples often argue because they don’t have a clear idea of what the other person deems important in a property. It is easier to find compromises if your preferences are laid out in the open.

It is best to do this step separately. This way you don’t influence the list of the other person. Once you are done, compare the list and identify the features that you both consider essential. Your similarities, more than your differences, should be the foundation of your decisions.

Deliberate and compromise

The same list of non-negotiables is also important when it comes to discussing the home features that you don’t see eye to eye on. With everything down on paper, it becomes easier to find wiggle room between your opposing opinions. While you can always pivot your preferences as you move along the process, it is a good idea to compromise early on. Doing so prevents you from wasting time on properties you don’t care for.

Come clean about your finances

There are many factors that can derail your plans to buy a home. One of the most common reasons why transactions fall through involves money and your financial standing. The amount of debt you have as an individual can affect the amount of loan you can borrow as a couple.

Going through your finances and being honest about where you stand is an essential step in purchasing a home. This step gives you a clearer picture of how much you can truly afford.

Settle on a realistic budget

According to research, budget is the factor couples disagree on the most when house hunting. Disagreements typically occur when couples decide between taking out a higher mortgage to buy a bigger home or staying within the budget for a property that is slightly smaller.

It doesn’t matter if you are buying a home in a military area or purchasing a small fixer-upper in a civilian neighborhood, this decision has to be made without any emotions involved. Now is not the time to imagine what it would be like to host parties in a huge yard or prepare dinners in an extravagant kitchen. Putting logic at the heart of the decision helps you steer clear of properties that you can’t afford.

It is best to cap your monthly mortgage payments to 25% of your household income. At the end of the day, it is better to buy a home you can afford and enjoy than purchase an expensive property that you may grow to resent.

Practice the pause when things become too heated

Deciding to buy a house in Las Vegas is a big, life-changing decision. It tethers you to an area for years. Often, it is the foundation that a couple needs to start a family. Needless to say, it is unsurprising how emotions can run high during this lengthy process.

If things are getting too heated, and you are already stressed about the mere idea of discussing your progress, take a pause. No house is worth sacrificing your relationship over.

Consult a third-party professional a.k.a. your Realtor

The right Realtor knows the market inside and out. They will be in the position to listen to your opinions and give unbiased advice based solely on their expert knowledge. They are not emotionally invested in either spouse’s real estate choices so they can weigh the pros and cons of each decision fairly and objectively.

Again, when things get tough, it is a good idea to leverage the opinion of a third-party professional.

Planning to buy a home in Las Vegas?

You don’t have to look any further. Trust me, Loralee Wood, to help you find the home of your dreams. I am the Las Vegas go-to Realtor when it comes to military home buying. Let me help you and your spouse agree on the best home you’ll both be happy in. Reach out to me today to start the process. Contact me today at 702.419.3212 or loralee(dotted)wood(at)cbvegas(dotted)com today.

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